Geotechnical and Water Surface Site Assessments - At an early stage; identification of big-picture hazards and risks - seeing how these may affect the development. Eg; the risk associated with foundation failure - or the risk associated with over-conservative design; to the risk of instability on sloping developments - or flooding - or contaminated ground. This task is critical before scoping specific field investigations or surveys; for 2 reasons; 1) the current design concepts may be able to be better optimized, in which case any investigation may be in the wrong place and hence wasted, and 2) so that the time and money allocated for the surveys is spent most effectively.
This identification work is largely experience based - as no text book will have al hazards and opportunities for all locations for all projects. We offer this experience.
Technical Reviews (Geotechnical Engineering, Risk Assessments) - Provision of third party review on existing engineering basis information (in particular, the geotechnical report and its design recommendations).
Geo-Hazard Mapping, Risk Assessment and Mitigation Design Advice - We identify and map geo-hazards for both existing and new areas of residential development. Geo-hazards can include flooding, landslides, mudflows etc.
Deliverables include geographic delineation of hazards and probability ranking (either qualitative or quantitative).
Risk can be assessed for existing villages or residential developments. These risks can then be used as a priority guide for stabilization work, protection work, relocation or civil defense system in order to achieve greatest risk reduction for least disruption.
Tender Reviews - We can help predict ground related risks and opportunities before tender submission. Is the foundation system even the right one? Are the earthworks right - can the volume be reduced through re-leveling, re-orientation, change in footprint, split leveling?
What will the stability and settlement behavior be like and how does this compare with the performance criteria?
Where are the risks and opportunities?
Ground engineering is our specialty, and we are well positioned to ensure comprehensiveness in this identification process so that your construction costs and risks are minimized - together at the same time.
Earthworks Design Assistance - We can provide direct assistance during the design process drawing on significant experience in both design and construction of earthworks, foundations and pavements in Indonesia. Making sure things are kept real. Balance conservatism with engineered risk in accordance with design basis information. Ensuring that all basis information is documented and incorporated into the design. We can help get the very most out of your project team.
Training - Soil compaction - when it's important and what's important about it - other methods.
Alignment and Siting Studies - Site selections - the value of integrated consideration of all disciplines is perhaps no better illustrated during site selection. Anything can be built anywhere - but, what are the issues, and how do they rank? For alignments, counter-intuitively, at the end of the day earthworks do not count for as much as they are usually given credit for during design. Social issues, environmental impact and land ownership can cost more and impact the schedule more than an early wet season can on the earthworks. We can help provide broad alignment selection criteria, can help harness your team members to develop relevant basis information and can even do the entire study, if required.
Stability Assessments; - in particular for sites developed on sloping ground or cliff line developments; assessment providing recommendations on setback for structure and other parts of the development. Foundation design parameters.