Study Team Integration - Integration of study teams is worth striving for. Combining engineering with environmental with survey with safety with government departments and regulatory criteria - all aware of the company values and company goal and heading in the same direction. The value of the individual disciplines is significantly increased by formation of the technical team.
Our main activity related to this service is to help ensure that the right basis data is identified and acquired - not more, not less. Scoping. If some is missing, then we help get it, quick smart
Then, even more importantly, we focus on the output format from each group (geotechnical, topographic, environmental, social etc). The output format must be able to be assimilated easily by the designer and by each other group. If it isn't, then we can help summarize it and put it in a format where it can be assimilated; using clear diagrams and GIS and CAD based drawings.
If the output is not ready in time for design, then we help get whatever is available together into a sensible format. Sure, the proponent will want the relevant cautions in place; but, anything is better than starting design without key basis information. We also try to help combine disciplines within the design basis document; but only once each is in a format where it can be easily assimilated.
Due Diligence Assessments - We specialize in "reading the ground" combined with usually small amounts of existing documentation in order to identify big-picture ground related hazards and opportunities. We have been essentially doing this for 15 years in Indonesia and we are good at it. We can address geotechnical, surface water, groundwater and broad environmental aspects. However, we don't stop at the identification step though. We look at how these may affect the mine plan. And, how we can mitigate the risks and even take advantage of.
We can carry out due diligence based on data review alone - provided key information is available (pit shells and schedule, typical geological sections, dump layouts, broad surface topography etc). However, a visit to site will provide a significant increase in comprehensiveness of the final assessment.
Design Assistance - Direct involvement drawing on significant experience in both design and construction of mines and infrastructure in Indonesia. Making sure things are kept real. Setting and then achieving the balance between conservatism and engineered risk. Ensuring that all basis information is documented and incorporated into the design. We can help get the very most out of your project team.
Geotechnical and Surface Water Site Assessments - At concept and pre-feasibility level. Identification of big-picture hazards and opportunities and seeing how these may affect the project. Development of concept solutions that may require attention at later stages should the project proceed.
This task is critical before scoping specific field investigations or surveys.The work is largely experience based - as no text book will ever have all hazards and opportunities for all locations for all projects.
The work can be based purely on review of existing available information - although is best achieved in combination with a site visit where possible. Existing information can be that associated with the project; although a wealth of publically available information is also available within Indonesia, and this information can be sourced and included. Compilation of information within a GIS database can be provided in order to allow super-imposition of key data sets.
Risk Workshops and Tasking - We have worked in design and construction on many mines in Indonesia; we know what goes wrong and what works - we want to share this, and Risk Workshops are an efficient way to "bring out the good oil".
We can attend workshops as a first step in order to provide that initial identification of hazards and opportunities; this is the first step in the process, and is not really in any textbook; it relies on experience. It's this experience that we want to share.
Precedence Studies - There are not many hard and fast rules for ground engineering outside of soil mechanics and rock mechanics; which themselves are based largely on empirics; ie, fitting relationships to what has been observed and documented - and then using this for design. However, in Indonesia, many developments and ground types fall outside of the empirical limits (which were established in say in the UK or Canada); rendering these methods (by themselves) somewhat dangerous.
We believe that observation (and documentation) of other similar developments in similar areas can provide significant value to design otherwise based on "conventional engineering". In a way, we are providing specific relevant experience to the project team in a well documented and backed-up format. We have found that this additional basis to design can help "keep things real"; resulting in pavement thickness optimization, haul road design parameters that work etc. Provided the right engineering interpretations are formed during the inspection; which relies on observation and a sound understanding of the applied forces and the geo-mechanics.
We provide this service for specific elements of a project - or, on a more general basis, for projects themselves. We establish confidentiality agreements between parties where necessary; and gain all relevant permissions.
Technical Reviews / Third Party Check - We can provide a "reality check" of existing geotechnical engineering documents and recommendations. If the review finds areas where significant savings could be made or risks avoided, then we will identify the point at which the existing work can return to in order to re-assess. We will also review on whether the existing work had identified all possible hazards or opportunities.
Tender Reviews - Predict ground related risks and opportunities during the tender process. For both mining and infrastructure components on the projects. This work can involve document review only, although ideally a visit to the proposed development site should be carried out.
There is usually neither the time nor the budget to carry out a lot of engineering survey during the tender process; and hence experience is used in order to "read the ground" as much as possible in order to provide a basis for identification of risks and opportunities. We have had over 15 years of experience in Indonesia doing exactly that.
Siting and Alignment Studies - The value of integrated consideration of all engineering and science disciplines is perhaps no better illustrated than during selection of construction sites or transportation corridor alignments. Anything can be built anywhere - but, what are the issues, and how do they rank? For alignments, counter-intuitively, at the end of the day earthworks do not count for as much as they are usually given credit for during design. Nevertheless, they need to be considered. Social issues, environmental impact and land ownership can cost more and impact the schedule more than an early wet season can on the earthworks.
We can help provide broad alignment selection criteria, can help harness your team members to develop relevant basis information and can even do the entire study, if required. Back to Menu
Mine Inspection and Risk Assessments - Real time identification of hazards or opportunities within the mine site - and through time (block fall, highwall instability (rare), low wall instability (common), up-dip mining, soft clay, river diversion, waste dump stability. We then characterize the various modes of instability in order to provide a basis to assess probability of occurrence within the mine period. Risk is then based on exposure and consequence. We provide concepts to mitigate the risks and develop the opportunities. Some concepts can be implemented more or less immediately. Some may require engineering survey and a higher level of design; we can provide management of the survey and assistance with the design.
Training Geotechnical Risk Identification and Management on Mines (for all mine staff) - Usually a 1 day session that is conducted on the mine site. Incorporation of geotechnical parameters in mine pit and dump design (for mining engineers).
Soil compaction - when it's important and what's important about it - other methods (for civil earthworks contractors and engineers). Geomechanics and slope stability analyses in low strength rock masses (for mine geotechnical staff).
Core logging - what's important and when (for mine and exploration geologists).
Mine Geotechnical / Hidrology Safety Review - Usually during construction when design assumptions require verification through observation in the field. Ensure that designs meet targets in terms of conservatism and risk. This service applies mainly to foundations and earthworks.
Specific Inpit Stability Assessment and Remediation Advice - The engineering properties of low strength rock masses in Indonesia is dominated by structure - despite sometimes near soil strength. This is where rock mechanics are required in lower slope ranges; and both rock mechanics and soil mechanics are required as slopes get higher. This is particularly so in Kalimantan coal measure rock masses where the strength parallel to strata layering is extremely low compared with other directions. Even lower than soil strength. Hence, some problems in the pit can be diagnosed and remediated based on an understanding of both the structure - and how this affects stability. The structure can usually be determined visually in the pit (the pit in this instance essentially comprises an engineering trial) and hence solutions can be offered very quickly.
Where rigorous stability analysis is required, we use innovative anisotropic simulation combined with more conventional rock mass models in order to replicate the low strength these rock masses show parallel to the strata - increasing safety and reducing over-conservative designs of either pit walls or cuts required for infrastructure.
Mine Closure Strategy - We know that mine closure is more than just re-vegetation. Mine closure achieves greatest cost and risk optimization when disciplines are integrated; mining, social, legal, surface water and ground engineering. There is always a "sweet solution" that results in lower cost mining and a walk-away configuration. We just need to uncover it.